972-296-9400 David@SellCrescent.com
40 years experience in business-to-business selling and sales management has helped prepare me for what I was really designed to do: help people navigate the process of buying or selling their home, a process that can be frustrating to the most patient of homeowners or buyers.
As long as we are going through this process together, why not do it in Belize? Or Costa Rica? or Panama? As a Certified International Property Specialist, I can help guide you through the process of home-buying internationally: currency exchange rates, title insurance, financing...if nothing else, I can refer you to another CIPS located in the country where you want to look.
The patience required as a single parent to help a son through high school and college has also allowed me to exercise more patience with the 12-year-old princess my wife and I have taken into our home. I am proud to say my son is now a teacher at Gooch Elementary School in Dallas, working with Pre-K and special needs students. He and his wife Carly are the parents of #1 Granddude, Witen.